
Results gathered for Lebor gabála Érenn/2E(1). Gabáil Nemid

Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Rawlinson B 512/III (ff. 75B-100, 37-44) 
context: Lebor gabála Érenn (Recension B)   incipit: O ro innisimar tra do Cesair ⁊ do Partholoin co lleir [...]   incl. Lebor gabála Érenn/2E(1). Gabáil Nemid   Tract on the taking of Ireland by Nemed. It begins with an introductory passage (ff. 78va.i-vb.3; Macalister, vol. 3, §246), followed by the heading Gabail Nemid sisana (f. 78vb.4). Macalister, vol. 3, §§ 246-253.
in section: f. 78va.i–f. 79rb.3